Fiona Starter Pack

Tiger Starter Pack

Groomsmen and Bridesmaids

  • Darren Bather

    Picture this: 3rd grade, a hot georgia playground, Pokémon cards scattered everywhere. That's how Darren and I first met. Fast forward to 10th grade, and boom, we're back together, thanks to Chris and a bizarre coincidence involving another friend named Tiger. Who knew Pokémon would bring us back together?

  • Scott Belanger

    Scott and I were like ships passing in the high school halls, but it wasn't until we hit up Georgia State together with our buddy Randy that things clicked. Small towns, huh? Everyone knows everyone. But it took leaving that bubble to really cement our friendship.

  • Karen Halim

    Karen and I met in Chinese class, but our friendship really took off after a heart-to-heart about a disastrous crush (totally not mine, by the way). Fast forward over a decade later, and we're still sitting in abandoned parking lots at midnight, sharing secrets under the moonlight. Some things never change.

  • Ana Narvaez

    Back in 6th grade Earth Science class, Ana was this ray of sunshine, always surprising me with Christmas gifts and saving me from the embarrassment of those pesky jean size stickers. Little did I know then that she'd be the one rescuing me from my inner demons now. Funny how some friendships are just meant to be, huh?

  • Randy Reeves

    So, Randy and I go way back, but it wasn't until the summer before senior year that we really bonded. Our grand adventure? Building a treehouse. Two months of sweat, sawdust, and inside jokes later, we had ourselves a masterpiece. Six pieces of wood in a tree never held so much meaning.

  • Annam Rizwan

    Me on the first day of chem class: nervous, shy, clueless. But then there was Annam, a beacon of hope in the struggle. She helped me navigate my poor academic science career through high school and beyond. Our friendship may have started in the classroom, but it's weathered countless adventures, parties, and planning sessions- and even now, I’m getting married on her birthday!! Everyone, please wish her a happy birthday when you see her pretty please.

  • Jasmine Tran

    Jasmine and I go way, way back. We used to joke that we were soulmates until Tiger came along, but honestly, we still are. She's like the little sister I never had, my partner in crime for all things life-related. She’s my Big Mac to my Whopper, fried rice to my lo mein, or boba to my tea — We're like two peas in a pod, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Chris Walker

    So, back in 7th grade English class, there's Chris, the new kid, looking all lonely during lunch. Naturally, we thought, "Hey, let's invite him over... and then bully him mercilessly!" Little did we know that 14 years later, he'd be standing beside me as one of my groomsmen. Life's funny like that, huh?

  • Andrew Withers

    Andrew and I became buds in 4th grade thanks to a weird social experiment our county school’s did. But you know what really sealed the deal? Candy. Sour Skittles met Asian coffee candies, and that was it. Now, as Andrew battles his caffeine addiction, I can't help but feel a tad responsible. Hey, at least we had a sweet start, right?

  • Hanna Yu

    Remember Hanna, my 5th grade bully? Yeah, we go way back. It all started on a camping trip when I accidentally "stole" her bunk partner. Cue the flashlight interrogation sessions and paper-tossing rituals. But hey, fast forward to now, and we're not only on good terms but even have husbands with the same last name. Life's funny like that.